Hello and welcome to our webpage
We have a very active P&C Association at Thurgoona. It is a great way to support your child's education, get to know other parents, find out what is happening in your child's school and become part of our community.
Currently we meet on the Mondays in Week 2 and 7 during the school term. Meetings commence at 7:00 pm and generally last for about 2 hours.
The P&C is a school based organisation of parents, teachers and community members.
We will endeavour to:
- promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close cooperation and
- assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and in promoting the recreation and welfare of the students of the school.
Two ongoing services the P&C currently provide are:
- managing and funding the school canteen - we employ a canteen supervisor who operates the day to day running of the canteen 3 days per week with the invaluable assistance of parent volunteers;
- managing and funding the school Second Hand Uniform Shop - this is 100% run by volunteers.
Some of the more recent achievements of our P&C include:
- The information sign located on Thurgoona Drive - this was fully funded by the P&C;
- Airconditioning to all classrooms - this was achieved through Government Grants, school funds, our School Council and the fundraising efforts co-ordinated through the P&C;
- Interactive Smart boards jointly provided by school/P&C;
- Upgrade of the sound system;
- Reading materials for K-6 – purchases each year;
- Drying racks for artwork - infants section;
- New large sandpit and sandpit play equipment;
- Playground walkie talkies and playground seating;
- Guitars and glockenspiels;
- New lounge furniture for library and blinds for new classrooms;
- T.V. and installation in the Admin foyer for display of school photos;
- Mathletics program for Years 3-6;
- New AFL and soccer team football jumpers designed by students – supported by parent donation;
- Display cabinets for memorabilia in the hall (donated by parents);
- Digital camera in each class for student/teacher use;
- Funding for State Representatives in Sport/Academic/Arts;
- Funding allocation per class each year for teacher's preference;
- Sports equipment & music equipment - through cooperation of school and parents with Woolworths Earn & Learn and Coles vouchers;
- Funds raised by Wheelathon provided cricket nets and second sandpit.
The P&C Committee support and encourage our students and teams who experience success representing the school at representative State and National levels in Academic, Sports, Music and Arts by making monetary contributions.
To apply for financial assistance, students apply to the P&C with a letter addressed to the President of the P&C. If any assistance is required in writing in this letter, please contact the Principal who has offered their assistance.
Office bearers are elected at our Annual General Meeting held in March each year.
Details of information regarding the P&C is available from the Federation of P&C Association of NSW.
Any questions please contact thurgoonapublicschoolpandc@gmail.com.au