School Canteen
The school canteen operates Wednesday to Friday due to the excellent efforts of our volunteer parents. Children are able to buy a variety of healthy foods at recess and lunchtime.
Ordering at School:
QuickCliq is the on-line ordering system used by the canteen. If you would like to set up your account, follow the instructions supplied by QuickCliq.
If you have any difficulties with ordering online, contact the QuickCliq helpline on 1300 11 66 37. Please note: The cut-off time for placing an online order is 8:30 a.m.
If you miss the cut-off time, students may place their lunch orders in the green box at the front office in the morning. Orders should be written on a paper bag clearly showing the child's name, class, order and with correct money enclosed.
Canteen helpers are always needed, so if you can spare any time, please let us know.
Profits go towards purchasing additional items for school use.
Current Canteen menu